Sanguine ERP – For Clubs

Sanguine CMS is a Web enabled Club Management software, which helps a Club to manage their Member profiles with electronic card management. CMS also manages the account details of all the members of a club with invoicing features taking care of the AR (Accounts Receivable) of the Club. CMS is integrated with all the operational systems of Sanguine (POS, PMS, RMS) providing end-to-end solution for a Club.
- Member Management - allows pre-profile management as well followed with detailed Member Profile.
- Other Information Module enables user to create user defined fields in Member Profile to capture additional information of their Members.
- History of Members is maintained, providing log of editions done in Member Profile.
- Member Electronic Card Management with options like Issue, Register, Expiry card.
- Member Registration/Guest Entry Module: record the Members footfalls in the club with Guest information, rules can be set to restrict No Of Guests/Member/Month. Auto billing possible for Guest Charges.
- Charge Processing Modules allows user to define charges based on user formulas, charges like Subscription, Interest, etc. can be build using this module.
- Revenue JV Generation for booking revenue from operational systems of the Club in CMS.
- Invoice Processing & Printing modules are used to generate Invoices for all the members based on their usage of the club. Selective invoices can be printed based on the criteria in Invoice printing.
- Member Account Details are recorded and displayed whenever required.
- Interactive Tools like Debtor Ledger & Debtor Ageing are available to access fast and easy Members Information from any Machine, gives interactive & quick information of the Account Details of the Members.
- FIFO Process to knock off the Receipts against the Bills, facility also available while entering individual Receipts.
- Members Trial Balance makes available Memberwise summary of all Member accounts (Opening Balance, Debit, Credit, and Closing Balance).
- Outstanding List provides Memberwise list of defaulter Members, helps in recovering dues.
- Member Wise Ageing helps in analyzing the age of Members Outstanding.
- User Defined Letters facilitates the users to create mail merge within the system using system parameters.
- Label Printing is available for printing labels for all the members based on criteria.
- Cash / Bank Book gives details of Cash & Bank Accounts, JV Book used for Journal entry log.
- Audit Reports available for audit trial.
- Account Trial Balance provides group wise summary of all the account heads (Opening Balance, Debit, Credit, and Closing Balance).
- User Defined Reports using this module, users can create custom reports as per their requirements by specifying the fields and criteria for the reports or can direct type SQL statements. These reports can also be exported to Spreadsheets for further analysis.
- ECS Enabled (Electronic Clearance System) help in electronic clearing from the member bank accounts reducing the manual receipt entries.
- Email Facility enables users to send system documents like Invoices, User Defined Letters, ECS Reminders etc. to the Club Members via email.
- Members Club Usage Tool helps analysis Member spending Membership Class wise, POS wise, Department wise, Age wise etc.
- Credit Limit Control enables the club to put limits on Members Credit spending.
- Member Minimum Usage Charges can be applied based on different parameters for Members Club Usage.
- Sports Management Module help manage billing for all the sports departments of the club, Member bookings for Sports Locations to avoid in convince to Members.
- Fitness Module used to maintain the Progress Card and Diet Plan of the Members using the Gymnasium.
- Kiosk Module For Members where members can check their Balances and account status by swapping their cards.
- Web Site Interface data can be transferred to the website so that the information is available on the Net to the members.
- Member Web Interface allows the members of the club to login to the website and view their data and also change certain personal information.
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