WebCRM-Customer Relationship Management
Sanguine ERP – WebCRM module is a Customer management tool used by companies to manage the process of Customer ordering, invoicing, dispatch, returns etc. Track and allocate charges across multiple invoices, perform flash-reporting, estimate economic impact and more.

- Customer management with Sales Order, Delivery Challan, GST Invoicing, Sales Returns etc.
- Tax module can be used to create any complex taxes as per business requirements.
- Easy entries of GST Invoice, Sales Return etc.
- Booking of Customers new sales order and tracking the same.
- Modules like Deliver Challan, Proforma Invoice helps in daily operations.
- Invoice Flash helps in identifying the Revenue Customer wise, Item wise, Group wise, Sub Group wise, Payment Mode wise etc.
- Direct Integration with Sanguine WebBooks for posting Revenue from Customer Invoices Property wise.